Why Holistic designing is the future of the Interior design Industry

 In color, Interior Design

As of 2020, studies show us that people are now spending more time at home than ever before due to the global Corona Virus pandemic. Some people who are still working remotely are currently spending up to 90% of their day at home.

Keeping this in mind, people’s homes have now become a place where they spend majority of their time. It’s now a place where they need peace of mind when they work so that they can maximize their full productivity potential, not just a place to sleep in at night. This is why Nahas Interiors would like to introduce the concept of holistic designing.

Holistic interior design revolves around prioritizing and amplifying the well-being of the mind, body and soul of the people residing in that area. Whether it be their living room, bedroom, at home office or even their kitchen, holistically designed rooms provide a calming and tranquil energy for anyone to just remain in a space of balanced mental health. Studies also show that calming and aesthetically pleasing environments help boost our creativity, productivity, critical thinking and even brainstorming capabilities.

Additionally, holistic designs emphasize a lot on other elements such as Feng shui, colour therapy, eco-friendly living and even aromatherapy. All these different factors combined help remedy a tired psyche.

When living in a bustling city, one tends to lose touch with nature. Eco-friendly living promotes having a space with a lot plants and using simple, sleek and ethically produced organic furniture pieces to help outfit a sustainably conscious but equally holistic looking home.

In today’s fast paced world, it’s refreshing to be able to simply unwind and breathe in a truly refreshing and serene space of your own. If you’re home and swamped with loads of work or if you just came back from sitting in hours of bumper to bumper traffic, a holistically designed room would help you rejuvenate and cleanse your mind of any unwanted stress and help improve your overall mood. So keeping this in mind, Nahas Interiors recommends the holistic approach to clients, as it will be the key to success for the future of the interior

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