The basics of Sustainable Interior Design

 In color, Interior Design

Sustainable Interior design is a concept that is being incorporated more often in our everyday lives. More designers and companies alike, like Nahas Interiors, prefer these eco-friendly and sustainable designs due to their energy efficiency and society’s growing environmental consciousness for future generations. Below are a few basic tips to help you design more sustainably.

Recyclable and Eco-friendly Materials

A good way to start off sustainable interior designing would be to ensure that the products and furniture used are made of environmentally friendly materials. These materials include recycled plastics, metal or stone, FSC certified wood (Forest Stewardship Council, an organization that sources wood from forests managed sustainably), bamboo and rattan. Bamboo and rattan are both highly sustainable materials as they grow considerably faster than others, and they are also classified as low-energy and low-waste products as it does not take that much time or energy to treat or process them. They are also recyclable and biodegradable. Recyclable materials are also very versatile and can be used in the production of rugs, side tables, outdoor furniture, bed frames and even bath tubs, so these products are guaranteed to never limit one as they design their home.

 Energy Efficiency is key

Since buildings are responsible for a large chuck of the Earth’s greenhouse gas  production, it’s important for Interior designers to keep this in mind and try to be as energy conservative as possible. This means ensuring that the room incorporates lots of natural light in the day so that the need of lighting is minimal, and installing energy saving bulbs for the lighting required at night. Make sure the windows are properly insulated, and the curtains keep the hot air out and the cold air in to minimize the need to use the air conditioning. Finally, a tip for colder climates, carpets can retain up to 10% of a room’s heat so they’re useful to lessen the need of heating in the winter months.


All in all, it’s high time that every individual takes a step towards living a more sustainable and eco-friendly life. We at Nahas Interiors have also starting integrating sustainability in our designs and we encourage you to do so as well. In the past, being eco-friendly was considered costly and difficult, but we have now been able to integrate it seamlessly in our lives and our homes and therefore we should all make an effort to be more sustainable for the generations to come.



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